brew guides

Setup and Preheat:
Preheat your espresso machine and cups.
Use freshly roasted espresso beans.
Grind and Dose:
Grind beans to a fine consistency, like table salt.
Measure 18-20g of coffee grounds.
Tamp and Extract:
Distribute and tamp grounds evenly.
Insert portafilter and start extraction.
Aim for a 25-30 second extraction.
Evaluate and Adjust:
Observe the stream, crema, and aroma.
Adjust grind size if needed for flavour balance.
Generally speaking, if espresso is tasting bitter, it needs to be coarser.
If espresso is acidic, adjusting it finer or running more water through should balance the acidity.
Serve and Enjoy:
Pour and serve espresso in pre-warmed cups.
Savour your well-brewed espresso!
Practice and experimentation will help you perfect your espresso-making skills over time.

Moka Pot
Water and Grind:
Fill the Moka pot's bottom chamber with hot water just below the safety valve.
Grind coffee beans to a medium-fine consistency, about as fine as table salt.
Add Coffee:
Fill the filter basket with coffee, leveling it without pressing down.
Insert the filter basket into the bottom chamber.
Assemble and Heat:
Assemble the Moka pot.
Place it on a stove over medium heat.
Watch and Collect:
Coffee will start brewing and filling the upper chamber.
Remove from heat once you hear a hissing sound.
Serve and Enjoy:
Pour the brewed coffee into cups.
Dilute or flavour as desired and savour your Moka pot coffee!
Remember, the Moka pot can take a bit of trial and error to get your preferred coffee strength and flavour.

Prepare Equipment:
Set up a V60 dripper on a carafe or cup.
Place a V60 paper filter and rinse with hot water to remove paper taste.
Grind Coffee:
Grind fresh coffee beans to a medium-coarse consistency, resembling sea salt.
Brewing Process:
Add coffee grounds to the filter, creating a slight indentation in the center.
Start a timer and slowly pour hot water (about 93°C) over the grounds in a circular motion, covering all the coffee.
Controlled Pouring:
Pour in stages, allowing the coffee to bloom and then pouring in a controlled, steady stream.
Aim to finish pouring within 2.5 - 3 minutes.
Enjoy Your Brew:
Once the coffee finishes dripping (around 2:30-3:00 minutes total), discard the filter and grounds.
Serve the brewed coffee and enjoy the flavors of your V60 pour-over!
Tweak your grind size, pouring technique, and coffee-to-water ratio to find your ideal cup.

Gather and Prep:
Assemble the AeroPress with the plunger pushed all the way to the bottom.
Place a paper filter in the filter cap and rinse it with hot water to remove any paper taste.
Grind Coffee:
Grind fresh coffee beans to a medium-fine consistency, similar to table salt.
Add Coffee and Water:
Invert the AeroPress, so the plunger is facing up.
Add coffee grounds to the AeroPress chamber.
Slowly pour hot water (about 93°C) over the grounds, saturating them evenly. Use a 1:15 coffee-to-water ratio.
Steep and Press:
Stir the coffee and water mixture for uniform saturation.
Attach the filter cap and let the coffee steep for about 1 minute.
After steeping, carefully flip the AeroPress onto your mug and press down gently, applying steady pressure.
Serve and Enjoy:
Press until you hear a hissing sound.
Remove the AeroPress, give your coffee a gentle stir, and enjoy your rich and flavourful cup!
Feel free to experiment with variables like grind size, water temperature, and steeping time to find the taste profile you prefer.

French press
Gather and Prep:
Start with a clean French press.
Coarsely grind fresh coffee beans.
Add Coffee and Water:
Add coffee grounds to the French press (use a 1:15 coffee-to-water ratio).
Pour hot water (about 93°C) over the grounds, saturating them evenly.
Stir and Steep:
Stir the coffee and water mixture with a wooden or plastic spoon.
Place the lid on the French press with the plunger pulled all the way up.
Let the coffee steep for about 4 minutes.
Press and Decant:
Slowly press down the plunger with steady pressure.
Press all the way to the bottom, separating the brewed coffee from the grounds.
Serve and Enjoy:
Pour the brewed coffee into cups or a carafe.
Serve immediately to enjoy the rich flavours of your French press coffee!
Remember, adjusting the grind size and steeping time can influence the taste of your brew. Experiment to find the perfect balance for your preferences.

Prepare Equipment:
Set up your drip/filter coffee maker.
Place a paper filter in the basket and rinse with hot water to eliminate paper taste.
Grind Coffee:
Grind fresh coffee beans to a medium consistency, similar to sea salt.
Measure and Brew:
Add coffee grounds to the filter, using a standard ratio of 60 grams of coffee to 1 litre of water.
Fill the water reservoir with cold, filtered water.
Start Brewing:
Start the brewing process according to your machine's instructions.
The water should flow through the coffee grounds evenly for optimal extraction.
Serve and Enjoy:
Once the brewing cycle is complete, remove the carafe.
Pour the freshly brewed coffee into your cup and enjoy the comforting flavors of your filter coffee!
Feel free to adjust the coffee-to-water ratio and grind size to customize your brew strength and taste.